Thursday, June 3, 2010

We had a SMASHING good time

1015: Visiting with friends from the military in a new duty station is like picking up a conversation that never ended. I love the military life and my military friends. Their home (and my home) always has an open door to those who are also passing on to a new life. I do not think I will ever feel alone in my life as there will always be a friend in some state in which to share a cup of joe or something stronger. The two days with Superwoman and her kids was an oasis after two long days of driving. Manhattan, KS is the great metropolis known as the Little Apple to serve the Fort Riley area. Superwoman’s Honda took on my Volvo. Who do you think won? However, it did fix our check engine light, so you never know! Manhattan was a great opportunity for Mr. Hawking and Little Miss Sunshine to play with two of their best friends in life. Their friends were waiting on the front steps for us to arrive. Both of my kids were asleep when we arrived and the look on Mr. Hawking’s face as he saw his best friend was like he was in a dream. He was so happy. They also picked off where they last were in their friendship and took off nonstop for the next two days. I would love that no matter where we are that Mr. Hawking could pick up where he left off with his buddy and always have that friendship. Great food, great drink, great conversation, great splash park and great people.

We think we’ve knocked out the bulk of our long driving days, although today will be a 10ish hour one through the back roads of Nebraska on our way to South Dakota. We have been through 9 states now.

During our stay we tried Kansas City barbecue at Arthur Bryant’s. The first time we drove into Kansas City, both the Sailor and I swore we could smell the barbecue pit from the interstate. Kansas City reeks of barbecue. The brisket was very good, although I confess I think Texas has the market on beef brisket. The Sailor felt that the pulled pork was a waste of time and Superwoman agrees that no one makes pulled pork like The Sailor. The burnt ends smothered in barbecue sauce was amazing. And all of it slathered on a slab of white bread intensifies the experience on the palate. Good eats.

Oh! We just saw a coyote cross the road!

Kansas smells like cow.

We crossed the Big Blue River on our route north to which Mr. Hawking commented, “it is not big and it’s not blue.” He was not impressed.

The corn is not growing yet, so we will be missing the cornfields of Nebraska.

We now have pictures at University of Kansas, Kansas State and Louisville stadiums. I am still not impressed.

There is something wrong with America when civilization of a town is defined by the number of McDonald’s.

1520: I am so tired of football stadiums. We have now seen the Nebraska Cornhuskers. Whoopideedoo. This is what you do for love.

And now my dang car’s tailgate won’t open. This caused a hissy fit. The sailor fails to see why I find these things annoying. I can run a code and be cool as a cucumber, but annoying crap like this makes my eyes cross. We are on our way to Rosenblatt. I am trying to be enthusiastic. Am I fooling you yet?

Nebraska is hillier than I thought. The Sailor is in love with 75 mph speed limits.

I feel like I am in an abusive relationship with my computer. My network connection is so spotty that I feel like it says to me, “baby, just trust me one more time.” And so I do and so it kicks me off and goes “AHAHAHAHAH.” If it didn’t belong to the gubmint, I might have thrown it out of the car. It’s really annoying.

2300: Did I mention that Kansas smells slightly of cow? Nebraska is overwhelmingly cow. There is a stretch of 275 that all four of us held our noses. It’s incredibly beautiful though. We could go miles (7 and 11 miles at different times) at a time without seeing another car. I have been in the worst mood today from a combination of work, car irritations and whining kids. I am trying to remind myself that my mood makes their mood worse. I am practicing the quiet voice. I am not sure that it works. Overall they are good, but really, when a restaurant doesn’t offer chocolate milk, I am a little tired of being the one to blame. I think I am going to quit buying them food and just make a peanut butter sandwich for them. Cheaper and less fight. I have now stocked the car. Which is full to overflowing as it is.

We are staying in Sweet Valentine, Nebraska tonight. We mistakenly thought we would have no problem finding a hotel in the middle of nowhere Nebraska in a town that boasted 4 hotels. I was told it was "summertime in Valentine." I thought this might be code for something important. Valentine is beautiful, but nothing on the internet clued us in to that special something that is drawing tourists. It's there, but we have yet to identify it. It might be the potential for natural disaster, a team of storm chasers (yes, they are not just in the movie Twister) booked two of the towns hotels. We finally lucked out with the last “Deluxe Suite” and the Dunes Lodge and Suites.

We are finding that 2100 at night feels like 1900. I thought it would be the other way around. I am wide awake at 2300 and wondering why I don’t feel like it is much later. The sun stays up longer now and the sunsets cresting over the rolling hills leaves me slightly breathless. It makes me wish I was a painter. The earth looks like dough rising in multiple mounds along the landscape. Cows are everywhere. In fact, if you cured the cow, beat the dough, you may have the perfect recipe for pizza. :)

I have seen cow farms that make me worry where my meat comes from and I have seen those that are roaming and feeding on grass. I am hoping mine come from the grass fed ones. It certainly looks healthier. We have still not seen corn. I think it is a little earlier. Other than a coyote, a mouse and a bunny, wildlife has been absent. We did sit a hawk carrying a snake the other day and that was pretty cool…it was either a snake, or the Sailor said it was extraordinarily blessed. Hmmmmm……..

Tomorrow we are off to the Badlands and the Black Hills. I have no culinary delights in which to pontificate….an adequate gyro and a pepperoni pizza scarffed at 2200, left much to be desired. I am holding out for a good steak and bison burger in my future.

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