Thursday, May 13, 2010

When Military Families Move, It's like Moving an Army

I thought I would share some of the joys of military family moves. I was talking with a friend on facebook that I thought after 6 moves as a military wife and I don't know how many as a military brat, that I would sort of get used to the moves. And on the one hand I am used to them. I am definitely the sort that gets the itch to see something new every couple of years and that part excites me a lot. I wax and wane between the poles of "the movers are going to move, why get worried" and "maybe if I get everything organized this time, it will come out more organized on the other end." Neither is the reality, but the pendulum swing between the two constantly gives me grief. Compiled on top of this, the Sailor is definitely in the column A, "the movers are going to move, why worry" category. If you could see the evidence of his laundry that he doesn't put away because he figures the movers will pack it up and move it for him--this has been going on for four weeks now as a part of his "preparations." His hope is that the new house will have a large enough closet this time to unpack all of his clothes at one and be done.

HA. Like I am going to share a closet if we get one that big for a change. He can get in line. :)

The clutter of piles will surely drive me mad and we only have 4 days before the movers arrive.

There is the pile to pack in luggage--one for the beach and one for the trip across country. We anticipate a climate change between 30 degrees to 90 degrees at various points across the route.

There is the pile of activities to keep the kids entertained while driving 12 hour stretches at a time.

There is the pile of goods from my pantry that if only the food shelter wasn't so picky about half opened boxes that I _might_ be able to feed all the starving children, since I only know how to cook for an Army.

There is the pile of refrigerated good that will be bequeathed to my sister in law.

There is a pile of books, because we all like to read.

There is a pile of uniforms that we have to transport just in case there is a fancy dress ball before our goods arrive or a courts martial, or some other military event that requires 3 different uniforms.

There is the pile of files, pictures, documents that we couldn't possibly allow the movers to move, in case the truck combusted en route and we lose our identity.

There are probable other piles that will be created--all the cleaning items, candles, pressurized containers, propane cylinders that cannot be transported and will be given away.

It's expensive to move. My mom estimated that it cost my parents around $2,000 every time they moved just because of everything you have to give away and then resupply at the new duty station, gas, hotels, transport, food, etc. It is never easy and you never really get used to it, you simply "embrace the suck" as one of my dear friends likes to coin each time things are challenging.

But the best part of this is, I am one of many thousands of other military wives who will be doing something similar this summer. I take great comfort that I am not the only one growing gray hairs, adding a couple of wrinkles, gaining several extra pounds (from eating out the whole move) and looking forward to the adventure around the corner. It's good to be a military wife.


  1. Thanks for posting all of this. It is comforting to read the same things that are going through my head... Love you all.

  2. Thanks for sharing. I am in the exact same boat right now. I resist counting out my piles. I tell myself if the piles look organized then I am really not living in a mess and chaos.

    As well as I listen to him say.."I am going to go thru my books, my piles, the garage.." as time continutes to tick by. Ah well.. it gets moved and moved again, one day his stuff might get sorted.

    Wish I was going to catch you on this end.
    Enjoy the Pacific NW.. we did.


  3. You're so right, Anna. Just starting my piles now...

    Don't forget all the stuff you have to mail to yourself. I know I'm going to have to mail all of our fall clothes - yuk!

    Wish we could be moving to the same place for once, but I, too, take comfort that we are somehow all connected, all of us military wives.

    Smile, and "embrace the suck!" Love, Rosanna
