Sunday, September 5, 2010

A tribute to military wives

As I head out on my long-ish Saturday runs in DuPont, I invariably pass a line of American flags somewhere on my route that commemorates the soldiers of 5-2 SBCT that gave their lives in the War Against Terror. The first time I came upon the flags, they stopped me cold in my tracks. I had heard about a running group called, "The Run to Remember" as I have mutual friends with some of the founders, but this line of flags was a stark reminder that each week the wives, friends and family members run and train in honor of their lost soldiers.

The Run to Remember club was founded by a lady who lives in DuPont. I have actually heard of her over the course of the last year, although she does not know me. We have a mutual friend and I am always struck in awe of the way this girl has coped with the loss of her husband. He died two weeks (I think) after the birth of their third child. This amazing woman has gone on to cope by running it out. And she has pulled together the wives and friends and comrades of other women who have lost. These are amazing women. And they always smoke me on my run!:) You go girl!

These families are called "Gold Star Families" in the military. Those whose soldiers and sailors have given the ultimate gift for freedom. We do not think about these families often, but not a day goes by (I imagine) in their lives that they do not remember what it is that it has cost them. Most of them are incredibly proud, patriotic and strong. I cannot imagine a life without the Sailor. When I have tried to imagine it, my brain shuts off. Would I live my life with my brain shut off if this happens to us, or would I run?

At various points in the Sailor's career I have been thanked for my service, my sacrifice and I have never known how to respond other than an awkward thank you. The free cup of coffee, or the extra discount on services is much appreciated, but in light of the sacrifice that combat arms make each day, I find our service easy to give and not that much of a sacrifice.

Remember a Gold Star family in your thoughts and prayers today. If each of us had a weekly reminder on our walks and runs of what soldiers and sailors have given, we might not be quite so divisive in our daily lives.

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